Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Quizzes galore

You Belong in the Baby Boomer Generation

You fit in best with people born between 1943 and 1960.

You are optimistic, rebellious, and even a little self centered.

You still believe that you will change the world.

You detest authority and rules. Deep down, you're a non conformist.

What Your City Walk Means

You are optimistic and hopeful. Sometimes you do get disappointed by expecting too much.

You are generally confident and friendly with strangers. You are well mannered and sociable.

Money is important to you in as far as you'd like to have enough to survive.

You enjoy the world around you, and you thrive on new environments. You can be easily surrounded by natural or man made beauty.

You Are a Pistachio

You are funky, freaky, and a total character.

You're very different than anyone you know.

There's no way you're changing the way you are...

Which is good, because no one wants you to change.

What Your Front Door Says

You are traditional and conventional.

You aim for the best in life, and you're not going to risk not getting it.

You are naturally stylish and sophisticated.

You feel like you are blending in with the crowd, but your good taste makes you stand out.

1 comment:

Foozma73 said...

me love quizzies! :)