(For those who find boy love relationships uncomfortable, you don't have to see the sketches. =))
I discovered that i haven't been reading much yaoi stuffs as before. Like, it's passing me by. Not as obsessed as before anyway. Is it because i'm getting old? LOL!
That doesn't mean I'm stopping though. Well, maybe not now anyway. The latest victims of my crazy imagination are The Cavaliers. Yup, those 5 young boys who inherit the power of the Gods. No kidding. Whoever would have thought that they are actually head over heels with one another?
The first pairing i did was Julian and Jordan. I've been drawing this couple since a few years back. I remembered Allyn did a fan art about it. Basically it's kind of a love-hate relationship. Julian being the uke and Jordan being the seme. I had fun with these two. I already have ideas for a yaoi doujinshi of these two buggers. Bwaahahaha!
Second pairing would fall on Blaze and Jason. I seem to be drawn to this couple. First of all, Jason has this uke-ish traits. He's pretty, tall, shy, polite, considerate (way opposite of his brother Jordan). What more can you ask for? Oh. And gentle too. Enter Blaze. Brave, persistent, confident, protective, leader, handsome. Put them together and what do you get? Perfect couple!
Like any other relationships, there will always be obstacles along the journey. But they still stick on together like velcro.
Enough said. Here's some of the sketches and doodles i did on these 'ethereal' couple. :-D
ps - you need to click on the images to read the descriptions i typed on the sketches. they can answer some of your questions if you have any.... ^.^

Oooooh dear me. XD
I can still remember that picture I drew for you...wakakakkaa...
Wakakakakkaka!!!!!! Oh yeah... sorry about the sketches. It just came to my head, random. ^^
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