My good friend Syemstar doing his usual caricature beat-boxing stint.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Syemstar performing at Anugerah Pekomik 2009
Pekomik Awards and Illustrator Gathering 2009 at PWTC
I'm glad the International Book Fair 2009 at PWTC is over. Been really busy and been running here and there helping around with the errands and the chores. It's been fun, i met new friends, familiar faces and hyperactive kids. Didn't get a chance to check out the books though because well, been running up and down creating havoc and being panicky all over. LOL XD!
Anyway, I get a chance to present the awards to the winners of the Comic Awards 2009. So i get to go back and forth on stage and meet the winners and pass them their trophies and certs. Whoopee. Met up with my hero, Nora Abdullah and seriously, i actually cried when i held her hand. Since i met her last year, her works and her aspiration gives me the motivation to keep moving on in the comics world. After all, she's Malaysia's first female comic artist. Thanx for the great comics, Nora! You inspired me to the level where i feel so humble at your presence.
The awards went well but it's also kind of controversial. Some people are not really satisfied with the results, and because of that not much people came by for the Illustrator's Gathering the next day. Only 12 people showed up. But we still had a good time discussing the woes of illustrators and stuff. I think smaller crowds are easier to control.
I'm happy to say that next month i'll be moving forward by giving workshops and talks (still need to curb my stage fright) to school kids across Selangor. I think i like working like this. It beats being in the office 9 to 6.
Monday, April 20, 2009
PWTC's stint and i froze

I've been given a chance by MBBY (Malaysian Board on Books for Young People) to do a short presentation and talk on how to break into the US comic industry at Putra World Trade Center (PWTC). This was the 2nd time i'm presenting in front of the crowd. First was at a school.
I thought everything would be okay. I had prepared some texts and some visual aids. The crowd were getting bigger and bigger. I realized i was biting my nails. Then the session started. I was going to be the next after this guy present his talk on how to write novels.
Then my time came. I froze.
I started panicking and i fumbled through my texts. I was saying things that i didn't write, i didn't prepare. The crowd kept looking at me. I was terribly terrified.
Then the questions and answers session. A few questions i could answer, but came the time bomb question. I couldn't answer it, but i tried every possible way. I felt very awful already and i told the other presenter to go on.
I hid in the toilet for half an hour.
Then when i came by, most of my friends rushed to me and gave me support. I felt pretty okay after that.
Later in the evening my friend told me that i was on tv. Wow, i must have been very excited to hear that. I guess it's worthwhile after all.
So the next workshop will be next month. I hope this time i can curb my stage fright.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Another Blaze?
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Friday, April 3, 2009
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
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