By Peter Sciretta
Since the crack crap reporting team at Entertainment Tonight wasn’t able to get any new details after spending a whole day on the set of Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, I thought I’d pass along the news which was revealed at the Hasbro Licensing Summit in Malaysia this week.
The Chevy Corvette Centennial concept car (seen in the photo above) is actually the alt mode for Sideswipe. Described as a brave but often rash warrior, Sideswipe was part of the initial crew of Autobots. In the original animated series, Sideswipe and his twin brother Sunstreaker, took the form of Lamborghini sports cars. He later took the form of a 1997 Lamborghini Diablo, 1999 Dodge Viper, and the Cobra Stinger.
Ravage will appear in the film with “very raw beast mode”. Ravage was featured in both the original animated series and Beast Wars, and took the form of a robotic jaguar. He was featured in an original draft of Bay’s Tranformers, but later replaced with Scorponok.
Megatron’s alt mode is confirmed to be a tank. Looks like the leaked concept photos are legit.
And the Devastator rumors might also be confirmed with the news that a super-sized transformer that combines multiple toys will retail for $50+. In the original series, six constructicons combine to transform into the huge giant robot known as Devastator.
I`m afraid youre completely mistaken devastator was made up of 7 constructicon vechiles
1. head and back
2. left shoulder
3. right shoulder
4. left arm
5. right arm
6. left leg
7. right leg
And besides we already knew about all this through posts on other websites even had this information before you!
You got the megatron thing slightly right be he is rumoured to have a weapons mode and also transform into the cybertronian jet as well as this new tank form!
Now for a few of my own spoilers!
Ravage and laserbeak are confirmed and sound wave will be a satalite however he may also transform into another form!
Apparently devastator will be defeated in the film by one of his body parts being shot (Because he cant function with parts broken!
The fallen was a servant of unicron so we may see Unicron in transformers 3!
The fallen is the same size as megatron but he is on fire!
Transformers 3 is set for a may 11th 2011 release date!
The micheal bay transformers films will follow the course of the original film and have insperation from the G1 charecters and plots!
Optimus prime will not die in transformers 2 as he is signed on for all three films. This means he may be on his death bed at the end of transformers 2 and die in transformers 3 or he may appear only as a flashback in transformers 3!
In transformers 2 there will be ten robots on each side:
That is
10 robots for Megatron!
10 robots for Optimus prime
10 robots for Starscream
10 robots for The fallens army!
Megatron will be facing starscream in this film and whoever dies will not return in transformers 3!
Apparently the pretenders (A transformers who hides in the shell of a human exoskeleton) will feature in transformers 2
Unicron will have his cameo at the end of transformers 2!
Minicons (Human sized robots) may feature heavily in transformers 3
The transformers 2 trailer will debute between december and febuary!
The sound you hear on the transformers 2 website is the sound Unicron makes as he appears in the final seconds of the film!
Sidewipe will appear with two swords and will kill soundwave or damage him permenatly!
The new transformers will have a back story such as sideswipe working with soundwave before the decepticon faction turned evil"
Barricade (The cool police robot) Is actually a spy working for the fallen. He was called away from battle to help the fallen!
A black heavy vechile was seen and is confirmed to be one of the original forms of soundwave!
Oh and i almost forgot more spoilers:
Scorponok was driven insane after the death of blackout and has since traveled the world. He like to travel into deep jungles then attack any unfortunate people or creatures that come to close. He will be seen chasing sam down an old sector seven base!
Sector seven wasn't the only organization who knows about the transformers in the first film!
There will be humans on both sides and there will be more speaking on the decepticon side!
The constructicons will not have separate robot modes and will be designed as tools to form devastator!
There has been no news on starscream so presumably he is on the moon or in space heading back to cybertron for reinforcements.
There will be more deaths on the autobot side new members like skids will be a hassle!
Jetfire will appear and will be brought to life by sam witwicky who accidently transforms a jet into him while he is with the autobots
Jetfire will start off as a decepticon serving starscreams faction and will later change into an autobot and combine with prime!
Bumblee bee will have less speaking roles than the first film as the main charecters will be Alice (A pretender), Sam, The fallen, Soundwave and Jetfire!
The fallen may not have an alt mode as he was originally a cybertronian tank however megatron now has this form!
Jetfire will be woken up by sam after going into hibernation after fleeing cybertron!
"Scorpio said...
I`m afraid youre completely mistaken devastator was made up of 7 constructicon vechiles
1. head and back
2. left shoulder
3. right shoulder
4. left arm
5. right arm
6. left leg
7. right leg"
Your a Tool.. because if you read it carefully..
"And the Devastator rumors might also be confirmed with the news that a super-sized transformer that combines multiple toys will retail for $50+. In the original series, six constructicons combine to transform into the huge giant robot known as Devastator."
no where does it refer to the new movie version of Devastator when talking about 6 robots.
Scorpio... do your homework before you sound like a braggart...
Original G1 Constructicons were SIX...
And if you search around message boards and other postings of the movie, your stuff is either old news or still, just rumors. Nice try guy. Elfgirl wanted to be helpful, so don't be a jackass.
I want that Lamboooooooo :D
To Taz and Omegax80, thank you so much for backing me up. I must admit, i'm not a HUGE fan of TF, but i grew up with them and it has the best story and animation i've ever seen - PERIOD! They brought so much life and excitement that you can't seem to get from today's tv cartoons. Plus i am really looking forward for Grimlock in the 2nd movie, but yeah i am kinda disappointing it's not gonna be it. But i wonder why no one's mentioning Arcee? I would love to see Ravage. They should have at least Laserbeak or Buzzsaw. that would really be awesome. LOL! I sure can't stop dreaming! Where there's Arcee, hopefully there will be Hot Rod! ;) Thanx again, guys! Peace out!
There are rumors of an Arcee, and some leaked images online, but no one, not even genius Scorpio over there really knows unless he is on set snapping photos and publishing them, which I highly doubt, considering he didn't even know the original Constructicons.
So, what we should all do is relax, chill and just enjoy the TFandom and hope that TF2 is just as good as TF1.
And Allyn....
Too bad we can't see a lambo in Michael Bay's TF... *sobs*
Yeah you're right, Omega. I think i'll chilling and waiting for the movie to come out. And yes i'm hoping it will be as good as TF1 too. =)
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